Saturday, May 31, 2008

Twitter app on Swoot

So we are working on a Twitter app.
Of course we are, what took us so long?

We started a couple of weeks ago,and as it appears, it's a challenge.
We are developing three different versions.
What seems to be the issue, Twitter restricted the number of sessions per user back to 30 an hour. This means, when you start your app, login, go to i.e.your followers, these are all backend sessions. Once started you have completed 6 sessions. When you decide to go to your followers, every 100 is one session. So if you have 1000 followers, going to your followers page is 10 sessions.
A bit of a problem. But we'll fix it one way or the other.
In the mean time , one of our twitter developers, Feike , is turning blue, literaly. Check out his matching twitter shirt ( colour) on the photo!

We'll keep you posted, the apps are to be expected within a week.


Today I read an interesting post at thenextweb blog about scoutle.

The link to the post is here

Very interesting concept, and above all Dutch.

Of course we all need prove, so I installed it here as well.

See what happens, I will keep track and update about it soon!!

website scoutle > here