Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A safer web

I read an article from Om Malik today about the creation of a safer web. An important issue if you ask me. Every initiative in this matter is worth to try. This new one is called GBrowser and made by Glaxstar. This safe web is build upon the mozilla firefox platform. Glaxstar is an idea of Ian Hayward, also a father with probably enough bad experiences of kids surfing on the net and the ugly things they run into! The idea of the GBrowser is set up to be simple without the problems of downloads and technical support. A very well appreciated initiative. The surfing information is stored for the parents to revieuw, sites can be white listed and within the area of kids under 7 years the surf bar, menu's and navigation are disabled. I saw on their website that they also have an office in Amsterdam, so I will try to meet with them on short notice. See what they are up to. I am looking forward to try the Glubble Web.
One the main reasons I am writing this at this point is because an ugly message in the news the last couple of days. The site for kids > is for kids only. They initiated a chat place for the kids to chat about the games they play. But what happens, adults are on the chat place as well disturbing the kids and pretending to be kids as well with purposes we don't want to think about. So waht happens, as a result , the chat app. is removed. Too bad, because the kids among their friends really liked it. What do we do with this subject at our swoot project. We developed a save kids environment with a special kids icon. In this area kids can safely surf to white listed web sites.

It will even be possible to take over the whole desktop so that the kids only experience while surfing the safe environment and have to use the unlock password to get out of there ( which of course the parents have)We have created the first environment and will go on with this development to make the web safer for kids. We are also developing together with some Brands which will launch their own safe environment to the kids.
As I wrote, a very important subject to protect the kids and let them on the other hand enjoy the great possibilities of the web.

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