Friday, May 4, 2007

Swoot official Honoree for the Webby awards and other winners!

We feel like a true winner, for our first entry we became a Webby Honoree in the category Apllications and Games!

We are very happy with this result!
This is a great thanks to all people involved in our swoot project, we’ve only been around since September 2006 and already officially honoured for having a great internet service/project. This is absolutely a great compliment and a motivation to get on with our great company and deliver our “giving internet a new face” philosophy!!

This was our contribution > HERE

Of course we like to congratulate all the other honoree’s , nominations and far most the winners of the Webby Awards. Well done everyone!!

All these companies show that the internet is heading in a great direction!!

To celebrate all this we decided to throw a partie with Jake Blok ( dutch jurymember and founder of and ) and other sponsors.
This will take place on the third of June in New York.
The second reason is that we will start our business within the next several months in the US. So everyone who likes our Swoot Project and like to partner up with us in the US is dared to email me your thoughts, or you’d like te celebrate with us on the 3rd , let me know!!

If you want to see what the webby's are all about> check out last years video

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